4 DUI Defenses That May Apply to Your Case


DUI cases are often defensible if you thought you might end up in prison or lose your driving license. Although an attorney can defend you, the process can be complicated. In DUI cases, the attorney ensures to find out things in your defense easily.

If you are caught in a DUI case, it is recommended to contact a Rochester criminal lawyer who will be able to help you through it legally and also in protecting your license. Additionally, having an attorney by your side is essential because only an attorney has the power to defend you. Handling your DUI case without a criminal lawyer by your side can lead to adverse consequences.

Here are some common DUI defenses that could apply to your case:

There are numerous DUI defenses that a lawyer uses in a case. A person can avoid penalties and suspension of license for DUI charges if the attorney uses a robust defense strategy. Usually, a DUI arrest does not mean a DUI conviction. The following are some effective DUI defenses that can be used if you are charged for a DUI case:

  1. Any suspect has the right to contact an attorney during a DUI investigation. If the request was violated and the police officer who had arrested the suspect did not allow the suspect to contact an attorney, then it can be used as a DUI defense easily.
  2. No police officer has the authority to stop a person or vehicle unless or until they have violated any law, including traffic law. A police officer should produce a valid reason on why he had made the traffic stop. If not, it can be used as a defense by an attorney.
  3. A suspect who is not in physical control of a vehicle cannot be pleaded guilty. Even if only the engine of the car was running, it could not justify that the suspect was in control of the vehicle. Hence, an attorney can use this as an easy defense to defend his client.
  4. One of the most common DUI mistaken cases are the inaccurate breath tests done by the police to determine if the person had consumed alcohol more than the amount that is legally allowed. It is said that a single test cannot fully assess the amount of alcohol consumed by a person. Hence, an attorney can check with a forensic toxicology expert to prove that you did not drink and drive.

The defense strategy vary from one case to another. Therefore, it is vital to contact a lawyer and discuss your case with them for the best outcome.