Finding a High Net Worth Divorce Attorney


Getting a divorce can be complicated, arduous and, in many cases, painstakingly long process. From four-way meetings to pretrial to financial disclosures, even the best possible divorce can throw a person’s life off kilter. For high net worth individuals, this process can become even more complex. Finding a qualified attorney with the right kind of expertise is critical when it comes to engaging in a high net worth divorce.

Protecting your Assets

For high net worth individuals, legal professionals recommend drawing up prenuptial or postnuptial agreements to determine the division of assets in the event of divorce. Though certainly not romantic, such agreements are smart and often necessary; in the event of divorce, this financial insurance can be used as legal protection during the division of assets. Of course, even if one has the foresight to draw up a pre- or postnuptial agreement, such agreements are never ironclad and can be challenged in court. If you are a high net worth individual, you can take every reasonable step to protect your assets in the event of divorce, and yet your financial security can still be at risk. . Your best source of legal protection is an intelligent, experienced attorney with a successful history of navigating divorces where large financial sums are divided.

Why Do I Need a High Net Worth Divorce Attorney?

Divorce, unfortunately, can sometimes bring out the worst in people. Some of the most intimate (and often embarrassing) details of the downfall of a marriage have been raised in a courtroom in order to bolster one party’s side of the argument. From infidelity to allegations of abuse, at times, there is little discretion inside a courtroom. Ultimately, even when such allegations are false, they can be extremely damaging to a person’s reputation. Allegations of impropriety, infidelity, substance abuse and instability are damaging enough within the walls of a courtroom, and the salacious details of a divorce often spread quickly. Rumors can cause irrevocable damage. So, in the interest of protecting a person’s personal and/or professional reputation, a party may be pressured to enter into an unfair settlement to avoid continuing a legal battle. Some of this behavior may rise to the level of extortion or even blackmail, but for some, a payout may be less painful than contentious, libelous and/or slanderous litigation. High Net Worth Divorce Attorneys can help you avoid falling victim to these potential pitfalls and protect your assets.

Finding the Right Attorney

When dealing with a high net worth divorce, it is of the utmost importance that you retain qualified, experienced and aggressive counsel. It is untrue that an attorney will only be interested in representing you in order to bring in a substantial legal fee. Ethical attorneys establish their fees and retainers upfront and are committed to zealous representation, not financially exploiting their clients. If you are involved in a high net worth divorce, it is your responsibility to do your due diligence and find the right legal counsel to represent you. Be sure to check out peer-reviewed websites with client testimonials and check out an attorney’s legal track record. A competent attorney will guide you through your divorce, leaving you feeling confident that you are in qualified hands.