How to Choose the Right Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Dayton, Ohio


Motorcycles are often described as dangerous pieces of machinery; they are involved in a higher ratio of accidents; if you consider the number of them on the road in comparison to the number of accidents. However, despite the apparent facts, many of the accidents are not the fault of the motorcyclist; car drivers frequently do not see an approaching motorcyclist, or, they underestimate the speed at which the bike is being ridden.

Once you have been involved in an accident it is important to seek the right medical and legal support. A motorcycle accident attorney in Dayton, Ohio should be a specialist in dealing with motorcycle claims and will ensure you are getting all the support you need and are entitled to.

There are several steps you should follow to ensure you choose the right attorney for your needs:

  • You must understand that a personal injury lawyer specializes in this type of case. You will want that experience and knowledge whether you are claiming or being claimed against. The right attorney should have trial experience and a good knowledge of the various medical options available to you. They should also have a broad depth of knowledge concerning negligence laws.
  • Decide what is important in the attorney you would wish to represent you in court. There are many factors which can be considered important, such as their personality; you will need to be able to get along with them to help prepare your case. Location is also important as is their level of experience. It is also essential that they deal primarily in personal accident; a general attorney will not have the specialist’s knowledge required to win your case.
  • Consider the reputation of each attorney you are considering. It is likely there will be some feedback on the social sites concerning other people’s experiences with a specific attorney. However, it is important to remember that a few negative reviews should not rule out your attorney, providing the overall opinion is positive. You can also request references from the firm you are considering and follow them through; as well as checking with your friends and family.
  • Get all your fact together and any statements you are already in possession of; especially concerning your injuries and long term implications. You can then take this information to a free consultation with those attorneys which have made your short list. Their responses will help you to decide whether they are the right attorney for you.
  • You need to be certain that you understand the fee structure and are comfortable with it. Many attorneys work on a basis of no win, no fee. This will mean they will take a percentage of any payout you get. You must be certain that this is a fair arrangement and that you are comfortable with it.
  • Once you have spoken with all the firms on your short list make your choice; carefully check the legal papers you will need to sign and then start pursuing your motorcycle accident claim!