What Information Should You Have About Landlord and Tenant Disputes?

Landlord and Tenant Disputes

Landlord and tenant may face some problems that are not solvable easily, and the only way is to refer to the court. This kind of legal issue needs a professional paralegal’s help. However, at the same time, having the right information about this problem can be really helpful to be sure that the needed documents and rules are followed to succeed you in the court. Here, a sophisticated Landlord and Tenant Board paralegal will explain to us more about this legal issue.

Are You a Landlord, Or a Tenant?

For getting help in this legal issue, it should be first asked whether you are a landlord asking for help or a tenant. Most people believe that under the law, the landlord has priority over the tenant, but this is not always the case, and each of these parties has rights in small claim court.

As a tenant, it is better to know that your religion, the place you were born, your race, your gender, your age, your marital status, or any disability you are dealing with are not factors to cause discrimination. So, the landlord is not allowed to refuse to rent you due to these factors. The landlord cannot also avoid renting the home just because you have a child or children.

What About Increasing the Rent?

As a tenant, do not worry about the sudden increase in your rent. Actually, the tenant is not allowed to do it when it is illegal. When you rent a house, the money you should pay every month or annually is clear; this rate is not being increased unless 12 months are passed. Besides, at least 90 days before the rent increase, your landlord must give you a written notice to inform you in advance. And, also the landlord must use one of the landlord and tenant board notice forms in this regard.

The Landlord Responsibilities

Your landlord should be responsible for maintaining and repairing the rented house or building and anything accompanied. This can be the elevator, parking lot, or hallways. In other words, he is responsible for keeping the place in good living condition. But this does not apply to things that you or your guests do intentionally or unintentionally. You can talk to your landlord if you have a maintenance problem first. If that doesn’t work, write a letter asking the landlord to fix the problem. There is also a special form for you to fill out. Finally, if your landlord does not respond to your letter or refuses to make repairs, you can ask a paralegal to help.

What to Do in a Quarrel?

First of all, be clear about what you want. Make clear that you want a refund, a repair, or something else. If you know that the case is not solvable on your own, do not hesitate to ask a paralegal to help. Do not ask a friend or a neighbor to solve the issue since they may not be informed of each party’s legal rights.