Your Guide to Choosing a Rogers Social Security Disability Attorney


According to a 2019 Edition CNN Health report, 81% of employers in the US provide mental health benefits, but employees fail to take advantage. However, receiving the benefits may not be as straight forward. In most cases, it takes the assistance of a professional to get through.

If you find yourself in a social security dispute, here is what to do and be sure to have the best Rogers social security disability attorney.

Ascertain the Qualifications

Social security is a rather complex area of law. It includes rules and procedures that an individual without adequate legal knowledge may not understand. The processes are critical in proving your disability and entitlement to the benefits.

Ask to see their documentation and confirm that the professional has no less than a bachelor’s degree in law and a social security disability specialization. Active membership of a professional body further confirms the individual’s qualification, so check it out as well.

Make Arrangements for a Consultation

Your potential social disability attorney may have the right qualifications but a complex personality. It would be best if you had someone easy to interact with, and who makes you feel comfortable. An initial meeting is a sure way to ascertain this.

Also, prepare a set of relevant questions and see how adequately the attorney responds. Lawyers that ignore some of your questions or do not appear confident in what they say are red flags.

Be Keen on Non-Attorneys

It is possible to pursue social security disability claims with non-lawyers, but I bet you might not want to go this way. The process could turn a bit challenging for non-lawyers if, for instance, the claim necessitates a legal suit that could end in appeals.

A licensed attorney will help you in all situations, so engage one right from when you begin to make a claim.

Is Your Attorney Readily Available?

The claim is probably stressing you enough already, and the last thing you want is the assistance of an ever-busy attorney. Whether you are visiting the office, sending emails, making calls, or meeting in person, the ideal lawyer should be available and responsive.

An attorney that accords your case the all the attention and time could get you the benefits faster than you could imagine.

Find Reviews

You don’t travel miles away in search of the professional, so other people around may have in the past worked with them. Reviews from individuals with a past encounter with the lawyer give you a clear picture of what to expect.

If consulting sole practitioners, get someone who can give an honest review about them. You can check online for law firm reviews.

Discuss the Cost

Social security representatives from firms operate at a standard rate, although it’s possible to find disparities. You can compare the prices and also consult private practitioners, then settle for what you can afford.

Engaging an attorney in social security disability claims comes at a price, but its benefits outweigh the cost. You could make mistakes while claiming on your own and lose the benefits. Besides, one could easily get stuck while trying to navigate the social security administration rules and regulations.